Past Events
AQTr Conference 2018

Join us in Quebec City, April 9-11 for the 53rd AQTr conference bringing together industry leaders to learn, innovate and connect.

We'll be demoing our latest product releases and features at booth #19, come by to talk to us about data visualization, citywide traffic simulation, multimodal travel models and more.

Don't miss our solutions analyst, Antoine Grapperon, presenting on April 10th at 4:00pm at the AQTr congress to learn about Transit Service Planning applications.

If you're interested in learning more about multi-scale traffic simulation with Dynameq 4, next-generation travel model visualization and analytics with CityPhi, or the latest in Emme 4.3 transportation planning software, we'd be happy to chat and walk you through our products. We'll be onsite throughout the conference, schedule a meeting with one of our product specialists to set up time to talk.